Grace x Strength Launch | A Dream Come True

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It’s Day 2 of launching Grace x Strength @gracexstrength with soul sister Alyssa Mak. I’m flooded with emotions - exhilaration, fear, vulnerable, gratitude, proud, humbled, delirium, happy.....

Some of you will have walked this journey with me so closely that you probably sensed this brewing for a while. However, unlike my other business ventures, this one has no targets to meet, no go-to-market strategy, no 3-year financial goals. There wasn’t even a set launch date! Everything just came together organically and calmly. It’s so counter-what-I’m-used-to! It’s entering total uncharted territory. And I call this a true leap of FAITH.

True to what this brand stands for, it’s an experience of grace and strength for me too! Et voilà!

Grace x Strength [#GxS] invites you into community to experience exactly that [Grace x Strength] through yoga and soul care programs. What does that look like? Maybe short yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️tips on Instagram, maybe more workshops, maybe classes, maybe retreats, maybe online classes... I say “Maybe” because we do whatever God calls us to and go wherever He takes us.

This a new exciting chapter of my life. Thank You for reading to the end and allowing me to share my craziness with you. Some of you will agree with this thing. Some of you will think I’m cray... but hey, life is journey! And I’m just thankful for your encouragement in pursuing my dream and calling. 😃 .