Holy Yoga - Christian Yoga Classes Sydney | Every Sunday

Holy Yoga Sydney With Josephine Sundays

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength” ~Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

God has called me into this ministry.   After graduating from my ministry school (Holy Yoga), I struggled to see where this path would lead me.  It seemed like a steep, winding path that challenged my faith.  I can’t see the destination yet I know this journey is what all this is about.

Along this journey, God will provide.  I may never see the destination.  Perhaps God intends it to be a journey for me to learn, to sow seeds along the way, to bring people along with me on this journey.  I don’t know. I need only trust that “I can do this through HIM who gives me strength.”

Thank you, God for opening doors for me to sow seeds to those who can come to my class.  Thank you, Jesus, for providing me with a place (at Mowbray Public School) where I can teach.  And thank you, Holy Spirit – You fill the hearts of those who are happy to come to class to soak in the Word.

Come join me, fellow brothers and sisters of Christ.  Practise yoga, worship Jesus.