My Last Chair Yoga Class of 2016 | Wesley Mission

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A year ago, I was praying a lot for an opportunity to show my church that Holy Yoga can be introduced to Christians. Why? Because, a lot of Christians believe that yoga is incompatible with their Christian faith. I disagreed and felt that God called me into this ministry and redeemed yoga for me to use in ministry.

From not knowing where to go to teaching my final class at Wesley Mission today, it has been a blessed and anointed journey. 

These students come from all walks of life and have a breath and depth of life experience. They come from different cultural and religious backgrounds and gather here in this Community Centre to be in relationship with people and to learn and grow.

I am so thankful for their love. That they have embraced me for who I am, what I preach, how I teach without judgement. This is a place where I truly feel “no judgement”.

Today’s class was led by a fellow Christian Yogi. It was an opportunity for her to grow at the same time a Divine plan for me, as I had broken my toe a week before and was extremely late to class for the first time. The unpredictable circumstances and how it was neatly catered for was no coincidence and definitely Divine intervention. For that, there is no shortage of praise and glory to our Big Man Above who also knows best. 

I love gifting. It’s my passion because I know that it’s a way I can share my love with others. Today, I had the honour to gift my students with Kris Kringle stockings I had been making for a couple of weeks. I was also blessed with a gift and lunch treat from them in return.

During lunch, my student said this to me:

“I have more respect for Wesley Mission since seeing yoga classes being offered as part of the curriculum. It says to me that they are diverse and accepting of different cultures. You are an anointed teacher in a blessed place. I truly believe in your spiritual journey and teachings. Thank you.”

Now, THIS, is the heart of what I do. Not to segregate but to unite. 

The thought of not teaching next year did cross my mind because Friday mornings could mean some down time for me. But I would dishonour myself, Wesley Mission, my students and my faith if I didn’t continue to serve in this joyous place. So, with that said, Happy Christmas and see you all in 2017!