When God says, “No” and “Slow” with a Broken Toe | Christian Devotional


Broken Toe Healing

A week ago, a landed in Phuket for my first day of my mini-girls getaway and a girlfriend’s wedding. Within hours of starting my holiday, I managed to bunk my toe while walking into the pool. Yup, nothing dramatic. Just walked into the pool. My toe caught something, most likely the bubble jet and that was it. For the next 6 weeks, I will be nursing this.

Meanwhile, let’s just say this trip was very relaxing. Thanks to my girlfriends who were very thoughtful and patient with me, they worked around my schedules and took real good care of me. I’m so thankful and blessed with these girls.

Today is 1 week after the incident. (By the way, day 6’s bruising seemed the worst! But the pain has subsided though). I am back home and wondering what all of this meant. The minute I landed, my hubby was off on his work travel trips as usual and I was left to unpack, catch up on work and house chores all awhile being slowed down by this toe. My older son also managed to sprain his ankle. So that’s double trouble! Before I went on this trip, I had wrapped up most of my yoga teaching for the year and was hoping to get a breather and move quicker with the clearer schedule.

Turns out – NO. God has different plan for me. He had timed this perfectly, in fact. I hear Him speaking “SLOW” in my life, as in “slow down”. 

If I still had many classes to run, it would be an awful feeling. And while I wanted to run fast, God is holding me back – Teaching me a lesson of patience (slow down). Teaching me it’s not always about what’s being done but what’s being. Yup, period. What is “being”.

It isn’t natural for me. And I must say, it was frustrating to come back from holidays as first with this. But hey! That’s why I love Jesus. He gets me up on my feet. No matter how I feel, I can calibrate the minute I think of His love for me. I know there’s ALWAYS SOMETHING GOOD in everything. Because I’ve got a good, good Father watching over me!

Resting a little, slowing down a little more, and learning a little more.

P.S. Here’s a photo of my broken toe healing. It took about 6 weeks for complete healing of the bone fracture.

Do you have a story of patience to share? Let’s encourage each other. Share yours in the comments below!