Yoga for Diastasis Recti | Yoga Therapy
As I start to cover all these yoga therapy topics and programs on my blog, I realised I'm uncovering quite a few issues that I face in my body! Now that I’m breaking them down, I'd never realised that there were so many issues that I am working through myself, as well. I love that I get to apply these on a practical level myself as I write out these mini-programs. You'll find in my social media posts that I practise backbends, boat pose and planking. Behind the scenes, I often struggle with 'stopping' the practice of backbends to allow for the recovery of my diastasis recti. Whilst I can't say I have a complete recovery (closed gap), yoga therapy has certainly helped me bring awareness of my need to 'strive'. Take this for example: I know that I need to rest and stop the backbends to help with my DR. At the same time, as soon as I feel like the gap is closing a little, I practise wheel pose. And I wonder why I don't have that strong core I want for my handstands.....All part of the learning. I totally do not recommend anyone following my impatience footsteps. At the same time, as I’m preaching to myself in this mini-program, I want to keep it real and let you know that it’s not always easy to focus on the boring exercises but yes, with patience, they will pay off.
Diastasis Recti is the thinning of the tissue, linea alba, that connects the two rectus abdominis muscles in the core of the body. More commonly known as the ‘separation’ or ‘gap’ (typically diagnosed with a gap of around 2.7cm or more) between the abs, occurring more frequently in women who have been through pregnancy although men and babies can also have this.
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For this particular project, there are a number of commonly taught yoga poses that should be avoided to avoid worsening Diastasis Recti (DR). For the purposes of this project, it isn’t so much about how yoga is beneficial to DR because these exercises discussed in this project are not typical yoga poses. More importantly, it is the understanding of the biomechanics of the body that will help us realise which yoga poses or body movements to refrain from doing.
Modern research shows that exercises that activate the transversus abdominis (TVA) muscles is of most benefit to ‘closing of the gap’. However, in more severe cases of DR, medical practitioners may advise surgery to prevent or treat other more serious forms of dysfunctions resulting from the DR, such as hernia. When translating this into a yoga therapy program, it would consist of deep breathing with targeted TVA-focussed exercise while drawing awareness to the navel and body’s midline.
Yoga poses to avoid are the ones which stretches of places stress on the rectus abdominis muscles. Generally speaking, they are poses that require:
backbending which stretches the midline, e.g. bow, cobra, upward facing dog, camel, wheel and bridge
the head and shoulders lifted off the ground in a back lying position which prevents engagement of the TVA and with increased intensity, causes the belly to protrude, e.g. boat pose
being on all fours with the navel and knees lifted off the ground, which causes the organs to press down into weak abdominal muscles and slows down healing, e.g. downward dog, plank pose, and bear pose
rotating and forward/laterally stretching the upper body and having the arms extended away from midline, which makes it impossible to engage the TVA, e.g. revolved side angle, triangle, low-lunge, half-moon.
Cat pose is one that requires modification to reap benefits for DR and should be carried out with the assistance of a yoga therapist.
Lifting and carrying heavy objects is not advisable and applies to yoga with weights.
Some practitioners may advise on avoiding abdominal breathing but for the purposes of this project, it is recommended to partake in this breathing technique on the basis that the benefits outweigh the detriments (if any at all).
Abdominal breathing with each hand placed on respective side of abdominal muscles. Feel the navel expand on an inhale. Exhale and bring belly button in towards spine on exhale. [Repeat 5 times, drawing awareness to the navel]
Seated lateral shifts - In easy seated position, have sitting bones rooted into the ground. Place each hand on respective side of abdominal muscles. Keeping shoulders and ribcage square and level, shift the upper body laterally to the left on an exhale at the same time pulling belly button into spine. Inhale and bring upper body back to centre (neutral). Repeat on the right. [Repeat for 5 sets]
Chair pose - observing spinal alignment and don’t tuck tailbone. Hold for 3 sets of breath and rest. [Repeat for 3 sets]
Belly button pulsing - On the inhalation, expand the belly. Exhale and draw belly button in toward the spine, and then pulse the belly button into spine 5 times. Rest for 1 belly breath. [Repeat for 3 sets]
These suggestions offered on are intended to complement and support the medical treatment targeting the specified issue, with the goal of enhancing the well-being of the patient. It is not intended to replace medical recommendations by your medical practitioners. It is highly recommended and, in most cases, essential that you stay compliant to the treatment advice given by a western medical professional. Prior to starting any physical programs, it is advised to get clearance from a medical professional. Upon medical clearance, the suggestions and educational resources offered on are meant to be observed and used in conjunction with medical treatment but not replace medical treatment.